Teuta Toska

(Executive Committee Member)


Work Experience

  • 2012-, Deputy dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Head of the French and Italian Languages Department
  • 2009-2012, Deputy dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences
  • 1998-2010, Lecturer at “A.Xhuvani” University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Language and Literature2006-2008, Teacher of Albanian language and literature, at “Nikola Koperniku” private high school
  • 2007-, Editor of “ABS” publishing house (Albanian Bible Society)
  • 1997-1998, Adjunct assistant lecturer at “A.Xhuvani” University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Language and Literature
  • 2000-2001, Part time facilitator of Save the Children (Albania) in the frame of the project: “Children rights convention, for and from the children”


  • 2010 Ph.D., University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology, general linguistics.
  • 2008 M.A., University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology, general linguistics.
  • 1993-1997, “Aleksandër Xhuvani” University (Elbasan), Faculty of History and Philology, Language and Literature.
  • 1989-1993, “Onufri” high school of arts, Elbasan, violin.
  • January 2000, Training workshop for the new teachers in the frame of the project “Developing critical thinking through reading and writing, II”
  • August 1999, Training workshop for the new teachers in the frame of the project “Developing critical thinking through reading and writing, I”


  • University Science Buletin, UNIEL, Mbi palatalizimin e grykoreve në shumësin e emrave, Silver, Elbasan, 2000/1.
  • University Science Buletin, UNIEL, Mbi disa dukuri të përdorimit në shqipen e sotme të emrave që mbarojnë me grykore, Sejko, Elbasan, 2001/1.
  • Elbasan-Enciklopedia, Sejko, 2004, compiling some of the rubrics and literary editor of the publication.
  • Kur arsimi lëvronte shpirtin (praktika mësimore në arsimin shqiptar në gjysmën e parë të shek.XX), Publication of the Pedagogical Studies Institute, “A.Xhuvani” University, Elbasan, Save the Children (Program for Albania), member of the authors working group, FLESH, Tirana, 2002.
  • “Gjuha shqipe 4”, co-author, winner of the competition organized by the Ministry of Education, “Sejko” Publishing House, Elbasan, 2007.
  • “Gjuha shqipe 5”, co-author, winner of the competition organized by the Ministry of Education,“Albpaper” Publishing House, Tirana, 2008. (last edition on 2011, by “Botimet Morava” Publishing House.
  • “Gjuha shqipe 2”, co-author, winner of the competition organized by the Ministry of Education, “Botimet Morava” Publishing House, Tirana 2011
  • “Gjuha shqipe 3”, co-author, winner of the competition organized by the Ministry of Education, “Botimet Morava” Publishing House, Tirana 2011

 Periodical Press

  • Dosjet e Sigurimit: Ungjillorët dhe Dëshmitarët e Jehovait, vegla të Zbulimit Amerikan”, “Panorama” newspaper, Thursday, July 22, 2010
  • Contributor of “ILIRA” bimonthly magazine


  • Compilation of studies on Kristoforidhi, Mbi përzgjedhjen e elementeve gjuhësore në përkthimin e Kristoforidhit te Dhiata e Re, Sejko, Elbasan, 2002 (Presentation held in international scientific conference: “Konstandin Kristoforidhi – figurë e ndritur e Rilindjes Kombëtare Shqiptare, organized in Elbasan, March, 2001).
  • University research studies, 7, Baba Musa lakuriq dhe teksti biblik, “Eqrem Çabej” University of Gjirokastra, February, 2003 (Presentation held during the scientific symposium “A.Z.Çajupi dhe vepra e tij”, organized by the University of Gjirokastra, March, 2002)
  • XXVIIth workshop on Language, Literature and Albanian Culture, Prishtina, 2008. Title of the presentation: “Sprovë për një grupim të frazeologjive nga pikëpamja referenciale” (Published at the worshop compilation)
  • IIth International seminar on Albanology, September 22-28, 2008, “Funksioni i figurës në njësitë frazeologjike”.
  • XXVIIIth workshop on Language, Literature and Albanian Culture, Prishtina, 2009, Title of the presentation: “Shqipja standarde në ligjërimet shkollore”.
  • International scientific conference “Kongres kombëtar-Shkollë kombëtare”, Elbasan 2009. Title of the presentation: “Shkolla e Vashave dhe Normalja
  • International scientific conference “Kongres kombëtar-Shkollë kombëtare”, Elbasan 2009. Title of the co-authored presentation: “Politikat e programimit intelektual në dhjetëvjeçarin e parë të shek. XX”.
  • Symposium (Biblic Society: Alexande Thompson and the Albanians) “Shoqëria Biblike: Aleksandër Tomsoni dhe shqiptarët”, November, 8-9, Prishtina, organized by the Protestant Biblic Church of Kosovo. Title of the presentation: “A.Tomsoni dhe historia e l(L)ibrit shqip
  • Scientific conference “Mahir Domi: personalitet i gjuhësisë shqiptare”, December 7, 2010, Title of the presentation: “Mahir Domi – një shkollë për brezat e gjuhëtarëve shqiptarë”. Co-authors prof.dr. Shezai Rrokaj, Teuta Toska
  • XXXth workshop on Language, Literature and Albanian Culture, Prishtina, 2011. Title of the co-authored presentation: “Koncepte[t] gramatikore dhe parashtrim i tyre në tekstin shkollor (në “Gjuha shqipe 2“)”.
  • International scientific conference “Dritëro Agolli – personalitet i shquar i letërsisë dhe kulturës shqiptare”, October 28-29, 2011, organized by “E.Çabej” University of Gjirokastra, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences. Title of the presentation: “Gjuha e drurit dhe shprehësia në “Shkëlqimi dhe rënia e shokut Zylo
  • International scientific conference “Studimet sociolinguistike në Shqipëri- trashëgimia, gjendja, perspektiva”, organized by “Fan Noli” University of Korca, November 4-5, 2011. Title of the presentation: “Përfaqësimi i përvojës shoqërore në nënsisteme të frazeologjisë që shenjojnë vdekjen
  • National Conference: “Jetë intelektuale të ndërprera”, organized by the department of language, literature and journalism, together with the Municipality of Librazhd, January 28, 2012. Title of the presentation “Frazeologjitë në fjalësin e mbledhur prej Genc Lekës
  • March 26, 2010, «The Bologna process – “Aleksandër Xhuvani” university: reality, challenges, the future». Presentation: “The Faculty of Human Sciences and the application of the Bologna Process: analysis and the reality.”


  • Executive Committee member, Institute for Albanian and Protestant Studies.
  • Brigje poetike, Anthology of the “La Vallisa” poets, Medaur, Tirana, 2003, translation of the poetry from the Italian language.
  • Language editor of the Albanian Bible Society, Tiranë, for the publication of the New Testament, 2002 edition, literary translation from the original version. Currently working on the Old Testament.
  • Language editor of the Albanian Bible Society, Tiranë, for the publication of the New Testament.
  • Language editor of the Bible commentary for religious believers (Komentarin e Biblës për besimtarët), 4th volume, New Bible and the 1st volume of Old Bible. The 2nd volume of the Old Bible on the process of publication.
  • Language editor of the texts:
    • Shkolla Normale e Elbasanit, bazë e arsimit fillor kombëtar, A.Shashaj, Elbasan, 2000
    • Përmbledhje me studime për Konstandin Kristoforidhin, “A.Xhuvani” University, Sejko, Elbasan, 2002
    • Shqipëria dhe Elbasani në syrin e udhëtarëve të huaj, V.Tafani, Sejko, Elbasan, 2003
    • Hulumtime etnologjike, K.Bevapi, “A.Xhuvani” University, Sejko, Elbasan, 2005
    • Rrugë, N.Poroçani (Shuteriqi), Extra, Tirana, 2004
    • Anatomia e njeriut, A.Cake, I.Haxhiu, Sejko, Elbasan, 2004
    • Argjendaria dhe mjeshtrit shkodranë, Xh.Cani, Sejko, Elbasan, 2004
    • Edukimi pamor figurativ, B.Kapllani, TOENA, Tirana, 2004
    • Histori i qytetërimeve antike, R.Gjini, Sejko, 2006
  • 2003-2006, Albanian language study lessons for foreign learners. Compilation method for Albanian language learning.
  • 2003-2006, Directing board member of the “Shtëpia e shpresës”, orphanage house in Elbasan.
  • 2007, Board member of “Alfa dhe Omega Radio”

Foreign Languages

  • Italian (exam certificate from the University of Tirana)
  • French – written and spoken (average)
  • English – written and spoken (average)