Ekspozita “Shkollat shqiptaro-amerikane, 1891-1933” do të inagurohet me 7 mars 2016, në orën 11:00, tek Muzeu Historik Kombëtar (Tiranë), dhe do të qëndrojë e hapur deri më 12 mars 2016.
Announcing an exhibition at the Museum of National History in Tirana — “Albanian-American Schools, 1891–1933”. The opening ceremony is on Monday, March 7, at 11:00. What’s on display? The earliest Albanian school books, diplomas, letters, photographs, and paraphernalia. It’s a good cultural excursion for the celebration of Albanian “Teachers’ Day” (March 7) and a good visual learning experience for those interested in understanding some of the roots of the healthy relationship between Albanians and Americans. Entrance is free and the exhibit should remain open until March 12.